Primary Care Estates - One Medical Group
Primary Care Estates

Primary Care Estates

Wednesday 7th April 2021

As a follow up to our Estates webinar, held in November 2020, this session builds on our understanding of how PCNs can best manage and maximise their estates to meet the needs of their patients. Guidance in relation to PCN estates has been lacking since the inception of networks in 2019. It is anticipated that NHS England and Improvement will publish more information in early 2021. We hope to be joined by key speakers to explore how PCNs can access financial support, work with their community partners to maximise community assets, and how to overcome hurdles relating to the regulatory barriers that can stand in the way.

About us: Here at OneMedical Group, we understand what it takes to be part of a successful integrated health care system. We operate innovative primary and urgent care services and are active members and supporters of PCNs, supporting over 2 million patients nationwide. Our team share experiences and work with like-minded organisations, to improve lives and create a better future. Our 30 minute bite size breakfast webinar series bring together industry experts and specialists to share stories and knowledge. With a different subject every three weeks, we discuss topical questions with a hand-picked panel. From COVID-19 to emerging models of care and new national guidance, our team share their top tips and insights and answer live questions from the audience.

Do you know someone who could benefit from this webinar? Feel free to share this link with your colleagues and connections!

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